Use "institute for public opinion polls|institute for public opinion poll" in a sentence

1. We are a public opinion poll.

2. A public opinion poll was made.

3. A pollster conducts public opinion polls.

4. Public opinion polls showed the public blamed Congress, not Clinton, for the debacle.

5. The president stands high in the public opinion polls.

6. He was riding high in the public opinion polls.

7. Your Federation opinion polls will open a public debate.

8. We are going to conduct a public opinion poll.

9. Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?

10. His popularity rose by 18 points in public opinion polls.

11. 16 He was riding high in the public opinion polls.

12. 25 He was riding high in the public opinion polls.

13. 20 The president stands high in the public opinion polls.

14. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.

15. 12 Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?

16. There is now widespread support for these proposals, according to a recent public opinion poll.

17. Public opinion was divided, with initial national polls yielding inconsistent results.

18. 13 A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.

19. 25 A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.

20. 11 A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.

21. 26 Opinion polls indicated a feeling among the public that it was time for a change.

22. Public opinion polls show a majority of respondents support a welfare overhaul.

23. For our Second Opinion Program please contact the Barrow Neurological Institute

24. Pollster John Zogby discusses the value of information acquired through public opinion polls.

25. During the election contest newspapers are not allowed to publish public opinion polls.

26. A public opinion poll proved that the voters subscribed to the government's policy.

27. The latest public opinion poll showed that 25% of us consider ourselves superstitious.

28. Public opinion polls show as many as 70 percent of respondents oppose gay marriages.

29. In keeping with the improved outlook is the change in attitude of the general public, as reflected by surveys of the American Institute of Public Opinion.

30. The public also favors taking part in on-line public opinion polls and interactive electronic town-hall political meetings.

31. International public opinion turned against Amin for good.

32. Public opinion can demolish him.

33. Public opinion polls show crime and violence to be a major issue in the November elections.

34. The public opinion may solidify.

35. Clinton still holds a healthy lead over Dole in California, according to most public opinion polls.

36. Anita envied her sister's amorality and contempt for public opinion.

37. I now head a public policy institute at Southern Illinois University, and I raise money for that institute.

38. The article accurately reflects public opinion.

39. 19 So far Gramm has been unable to close in on Dole in the public opinion polls.

40. 27 Can they shape public opinion?

41. 18 The public opinion may solidify.

42. Public opinion swung back to Truman.

43. His views accord with public opinion.

44. The issue has polarized public opinion.

45. 25 I now head a public policy institute at Southern Illinois University, and I raise money for that institute.


47. The opinion polls do not bode well for the Democrats.

48. 4 The article accurately reflects public opinion.

49. Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party.

50. The latest opinion polls spell trouble for the government.Sentence dictionary

51. Public opinion was opposed to the war.

52. 15 His views accord with public opinion.

53. They had no public opinion to appease.

54. A knot of politicians manufactured public opinion.

55. Public opinion has polarized on this issue.

56. 2 The article accurately reflects public opinion.

57. 11 His views accord with public opinion.

58. During the 1950s, television was the primary medium for influencing public opinion.

59. The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.


61. 28 Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party.

62. 21 They successfully mobilized public opinion against him.

63. Public opinion can force the government into action.

64. Public opinion is shifting in favour of change.

65. Republicans, battered as they are in the public opinion polls, succeeded in dramatically transforming the terms of the national debate.

66. Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.

67. 15 Thirty-seven percent is a benchmark this year, and Dole has hovered near that number in public opinion polls.

68. The event changed the trend of public opinion.

69. 1 Public opinion has polarized on this issue.

70. (verb) Capitulate to the pressure of public opinion.

71. 19 Public opinion was opposed to the war.

72. Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.

73. Governments cannot ignore the strength of public opinion.

74. The prevailing mood of public opinion remained hostile.

75. Influencing public opinion through control of mass media.

76. 4 Politicians are good at discerning public opinion.

77. Clinton has rarely had better than a 40 percent job approval rating in Texas public opinion polls since that election.

78. His chances of accomplishing policy change will also be enhanced if he maintains high levels of support in public opinion polls.

79. Subsequent opinion polls suggested the Danish population's opinion was split on the issue.

80. This exception applies essentially to research and for the purpose of forming public opinion.